Taking Your Cat On Vacation

Should you consider a family vacation that includes your cat?

Nancy Parish
3 min readFeb 14, 2024
Harper home alone waiting at the window / Photo courtesy of the Author

You work hard most of the year, and it’s finally time for a break. That break means a nice vacation somewhere warm where you can decompress from your busy life. There’s one caveat. What do you do with your feline companion who has been your support system during your hectic life?

Do you want to leave her at home all alone?

That can seem like punishment for your cat. She’s offered her support for you and now you’re going to desert her to go to the beach? That doesn’t sound right. You can’t and shouldn’t leave them home alone. I mean this isn’t a 90’s movie with McCauley Culkin.

So, what do you do?

You could hire a pet sitter. Judging by the growing number of digital pet-sitting forms on Etsy, this is a side hustle trend. But, do you want someone you don’t know, coming to your house every day and caring for your furbabie?

Maybe, maybe not.

Another option is to find a nice clean kennel for your kitty to stay in while you sip mojitos or margaritas worry-free on the beach. It might be like cat jail for them. If they were a rescue, it might bring back sad memories of their days spent at the animal shelter.



Nancy Parish

Amateur Cat Herder. Previously, Contributing Editor for CWIM. My ebook Life with Scout: The Blind Kitty Chronicles avail. https://thesoundandfurry.com/